Mothers’ Day 2024 is Sunday, May 12th. For those still looking for something special for the Moms in your life, we have a list of 12 gift shopping suggestions available in #DowntownWhiteville.
We have included photos, links, and GPS info for every store on the list. Right here in Downtown Whiteville there is amazing selection of apparel, accessories, beauty and therapeutic services and amazing gifts to choose from; all while shopping local!
1. Lee Lee’s at Madison and Main
Located at 703 S Madison St.
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2. Todd’s Clothing
Located at 800 S Madison St.
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3. Sugar & Spice
Located at 703 S S Madison St.
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4. Collier’s Jewelers & The Gift Shop
Located at 717 S Madison St.
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5. The Gift Shop
Located at 717 S Madison St.
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6. Polished Salon Hair Nails & Tans
Located at 108 East Main Street
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7. Farmacy On Main
Located at 110 E Main St.
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8. Tropical Tans
Located at 619 S Madison St.
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9. Glass Menagerie
Located at 725 S Madison St.
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10. All American Fine Coins Currency and Collectibles
Located at 622 S Madison St.
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11. Mercantile On Madison
Located at 718 S Madison St.
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12. The Tilted Bucket Florist
Located at 500 S Madison St.
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